Evaluation of Auxin Producing Bacteria on the Growth of Triticum aestivum Uqab-2000 Under Axenic Conditions

Shanza Siddique, Maryam Nashrullah and Sumaira Mazhar

  • Shanza Siddique
  • Maryam Nashrullah Department of Biology, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sumaira Mazhar Department of Biology, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: PGPRs,, Auxin Estimation, Pot trail assay, Triticum aestivum var. Uqab-2000


ABSTRACT: Impact of auxin producing rhizobacteria to enhance the growth of Triticum aestivum Uqab-2000 was evaluated by conducting pot trials. Ten different strains were isolated from the rhizosphere of Triticum aestivum and five isolates were screened positive for Auxin production by Salkowski method. They were further tested for their growth promoting activity by conducting pot trial assay. Seeds were treated with the isolated strains and six seeds per pot containing sterile garden soil were sown. The un-inoculated (control) pots were kept for comparison and were not treated with any of the strain. After 10 days, the seedlings were harvested and the germination parameters of each seedling like no. of leaves, shoot length, root length, dry and fresh weight were studied. TA-Y (100%) and TA-M (100%) treated seeds showed the highest germination rate among the other seeds treated with TA-O (83%), TA-G (50%) and TA-W (50%) and
control (65%). Results reported that Triticum aestivum Uqab-2000 seeds treated with TA-Y and TA-M inoculated pots showed more effective growth as compared to control pots (80%). Auxin estimation was performed for Triticum aestivum seedlings by ethyl ether method and O.D535 was taken for each strain. TA-M registered an O.D535 ~ 1.80 that was the highest auxin levels extracted from plant leaves in comparison to the other seedlings treated with other Rhizobacteria isolates.
