A Morphometric Analysis of Suid Remains of the genus Conohyus from the Siwalik Beds of District Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan

  • Amir Nadeem Department of Zoology, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Artiodactyla, Conohyus, Hasnot, Siwalik hills, Suidae


The current fresh Suid dental material was gathered from Pakistan's Siwalik hills, which are located in Punjab and stretch into Northern Pakistan. There have been reports of fossils being found at sites belonging to this genus in the Hasnot hamlet, which is situated in the Punjab province of Pakistan in the district Jhelum region. These particular examples are representatives of a small suid genus called Conohyus, which is commonly found in the Siwalik Mountains. The material that has been analyzed has provided a significant amount of insight into the underlying dentition that is typical of this genus. The teeth of the genus Conohyus are a little more advanced than the condition found in the genus Palaeochoerus.


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