Evaluation of Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from Indigenous Honeybee Species of Pakistan

  • Sami-ul-Haq University of veterinary medicine Hannover
  • Huma Shafique Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of Punjab
  • Sadia Ahmad National Probiotic Lab, Health Biotechnology Division, National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering , Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Arslan Zaidi National Probiotic Lab, Health Biotechnology Division, National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering , Faisalabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Lactic Acid Bacteria, Gastro Intestinal Bacteria, pH and Bile Tolerance, Apis spp


The honey bee gut is inhabited by many useful bacteria such as Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). These LAB possess active probiotic properties that are beneficial to other animals and even humans. The LAB is declared as generally recognized as safe (GRAS). The LAB is non-pathogenic and produces different metabolites having antimicrobial potential. In the current study LAB species isolated from four honey bee species (Apis melifera, Apis dorsata, Apis cerana, and Apis florae) prevalent in Pakistan were identified and investigated for their probiotic potential. The strains were identified using morphological, biochemical, and molecular techniques as genus Lactobacillus and Lactococcus. Current results confirmed that the honey bee gut has a rich source of lactic acid bacteria. Isolated strains were further evaluated for their ability to resist physiological stresses encountered in the human gastrointestinal tract. Safety testing of the isolates such as hemolytic assay revealed that these isolates have γ-hemolytic activity and were adjudged to be safe. Hence the present study concluded that honey bee gut is the source of potential probiotic bacteria and can be used in pharmaceuticals, fermented foods, and nutraceuticals and may be used as a natural food preservative.


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