Breeding Behaviour and Management Practices of Struthio camelus under Captive Condition at Private Farm Tehsil Jhando Mari

  • Rameez Raja Kaleri Livestock and Fisheries Department Government of Sindh
  • Hubdar Ali Kaleri Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SAU, Tandojam
  • Raza Ali Mangi Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Histology, SBBUVAS, Sakarand
  • Ghulam Mustafa Solangi Department of Veterinary Pathology, SBBUVAS, Sakarand
  • Depeesh Kumar Bhuptani Department of Meat Technology, SBBUVAS, Sakarand
  • Zainab Lanjar Department of Veterinary Microbiology, SBBUVAS, Sakarand
  • Imran Ahmed Deparment of Livestock and Poultry Production, UPR, Azad Kashmir
  • Sajid Mehmood Sajid Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, UPR, Azad Kashmir
Keywords: Breeding behaviour, Management practices, Ostrich, Captive condition


The study was conducted on a private farm in tehsil Jhando Mari, district Tando Allahyar, to observe the behavior of captive ostriches. Twenty birds, aged 10-150 days, were divided into groups of five, with four birds in each group ringed for identification. Observations were made for four consecutive days, six hours daily, in the morning, noon, and afternoon. Behavioral data were collected every 30 minutes, totaling 16 observations per bird per day. The study analyzed behaviors such as attacking, stone ingesting, picking, feces ingesting, running, standing, and walking. Non-parametric tests revealed significant differences in eating, lithophagia, standing, and walking behaviors during the morning and noon periods, especially in the first hour of the day. Age significantly influenced sand bathing behavior during morning and afternoon. Comparisons between noon and afternoon showed significant differences in eating, walking, dancing, running, lithophagia, sand bathing, and coprophagia, with maximum activity observed from dusk to dawn. The study concluded that ostrich behaviors vary with age and time of day under captivity.


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